Submissions are now open for the ISC 2016 conference including workshops, tutorials, birds-of-a-feather (BoF) sessions, research papers, research posters, and the student volunteer program. The event takes place June 19-23 in Frankfurt, Germany.
As the largest HPC conference in Europe, ISC 2016 will be attended by over 3,000 academicians, industry leaders and end users from around the world. The ISC exhibition annually attracts around 160 organizations, including supercomputing, storage and network vendors, as well as universities, research centers, laboratories and projects.
Submission Deadlines:
- Workshops: Dec. 1, 2015
- Research Papers: Dec. 1, 2015
- Tutorials: Feb. 15, 2016
- Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions: Feb. 15, 2016
- Research Posters: March 21, 2016
- HPC in Asia Posters: March 21, 2016
- Student Volunteers: April 1, 2016
ISC Research Papers
As announced last month, the organizers are seeking high quality research papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental and industrial research and development in the following areas:
- Architectures (future design concepts for HPC, multicore/manycore systems, heterogeneous systems, network technology, programming models)
- Algorithms and Analysis (scalability on future architectures, performance evaluation and tuning and innovative domain-specific algorithms)
- Data Centers (batch job management, job mix and system utilization, monitoring and administration tools, production efficiency, energy efficiency)
- Large-Scale Simulations (workflow management, data analysis and visualization, coupled simulations, industrial simulations, scalable applications: 50K+ threads)
- Future Trends (trends in the HPC chip market, exascale HPC, HPC in the cloud)
- Storage and Data (from big data to smart data, memory systems for HPC and big data, file systems and tape libraries, data intensive applications and databases)
- Software Engineering in HPC (the art of parallel programming, application of methods, surveys)
Please refer to the ISC High Performance website for full submission guidelines.
ISC Awards Program
Apart from the Hans Meuer and Gauss Awards, which the organizers announced recently, PRACE (the Partnership for Advanced Computing) will also be giving out an award at the 2016 conference. The PRACE ISC Award will be given to the paper deemed best by the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee in one of the following areas: a breakthrough in science achieved through high performance computing; an algorithm or implementation that achieves a significant improvements in scalability or performance; or a novel approach to performance evaluation on massively parallel architecture. The winner will receive sponsorship for participation in a training event or a conference related to petascale computing. They will also enjoy the opportunity to deliver a keynote about their work during the 2016 research session.
ISC Research Posters and HPC in Asia Posters
At ISC High Performance you have the opportunity to participate in two different poster sessions: the ISC Research Poster and the HPC in Asia Poster sessions. The best poster in each session will be selected for the ISC Poster and ISC HPC in Asia Poster Awards.
The ISC Research Poster authors will have the opportunity to give short presentations on their posters during the ISC Poster session. The ISC HPC in Asia Poster submitters will be presenting their posters at the HPC in Asia session. All posters will be on display during the conference.
ISC 2016 Tutorials
Once again the conference will be hosting half-day and full-day interactive tutorials focusing on key topics of high performance systems, networking and storage. The organizers call on experts in their respective fields to give comprehensive introduction to any of the topics listed in the Call for Papers, as well as provide a closer look at specific problems and incorporate hands-on components where applicable.
As ISC Tutorials are considered primarily educational events, presenters are encouraged to provide attendees with a comprehensive introduction to the state-of-the-art in the tutorial’s topic before moving on to cover specific approaches in more depth.
ISC Workshops
If you are interested in hosting a workshop in any of the following areas: HPC computer architecture and hardware, programming models, system software, and applications, solutions for heterogeneity, reliability, and power efficiency of systems as well as how those areas apply to big data and cloud computing, please take a look at the workshop submission guidelines. The organizers’ goal is to provide a focused, in-depth platform for presentations, discussion and interaction in particular subject areas.
They are looking for proposals on topics related to all aspects of research, development, and application of large-scale, high-performance experimental and commercial systems.
Proposals for workshops that want to disseminate their own call for papers and implement the peer-review process should be submitted by December 1, 2015. Proposals for “regular” workshops without call for papers should be submitted by February 15, 2016.
ISC Student Volunteer Program
Participating as a student volunteer at ISC High Performance 2016 is a great opportunity to learn about the most important developments in the HPC field. It is also a great way to make new contacts, particularly with your peers from other schools and countries, possible future employers, and HPC luminaries from around the world. The organizers call on undergraduate and graduate students to apply to help them run the conference.