GCS in Germany Allocates Record Number of Core Hours for Research

gcsThe Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) in Germany has allocated a record 1,648 million core hours of computing time to 21 scientifically outstanding national research projects as part of its Call for Large-Scale Projects.

GCS is excited to support simulation projects of these excelling scopes as they clearly underline our claim of Germany being a world leader in High Performance Computing. Beyond dispute, they produce proof of us being at eye level with the largest international research projects such as the INCITE Program supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy,” states Prof. Thomas Lippert of JSC, GCS Chairman of the Board.

The supported projects come from the fields of Chemistry, Earth and Environment, Elementary Particle Physics, Life Sciences, Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics, and Scientific Engineering. Researchers will have access to the GCS High Performance Computing systems Hazel Hen of HLRS (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart), JUQUEEN of JSC (Jülich Supercomputing Centre), and SuperMUC of LRZ (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre) for a period of 12 months, starting immediately.

For its 15th Call for Large-Scale Projects, the GCS received requests for 2,124 million core hours of computing time. This sets another new record in the history of GCS as, for the first time, the 2 billion mark of core hours was surpassed. Of the 21 supported projects, which fulfilled the strong and very strict qualification criteria overseen by the GCS Steering Committee, three research activities were assigned computing time in the triple-digit million bracket:

  • Astrophysics: 145 million core hours on SuperMUC of LRZ for a project under leadership of Dr. Hans-Thomas Janka, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching near Munich.
  • Quantum Chromodynamics: 128 million core hours on JUQUEEN of JSC plus 55 million core hours on Hazel Hen of HLRS for a project under leadership of Prof. Dr. Zoltan Fodor, Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
  • Scientific Engineering: 275 million core hours on Hazel Hen of HLRS plus 55 million core hours on JUQUEEN of JSC for a project under leadership of Dr.-Ing. Matthias Meinke, RWTH Aachen University.

Computing time allocations for GCS Large-Scale Projects are granted based on scientific criteria and their technical feasibility through independent reviewers in a peer-review process led by the GCS Steering Committee. Computing time is available for a period of 12 months. The complete list of approved GCS Large-Scale Projects (15th Call) is now online at GCS.

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