One Stop Systems Showcases Open Compute Flash Array with 500 TB in 2U

arrayThis week at the Flash Memory Summit, One Stop Systems showcased the OCP Flash Storage Array (OCP-FSA), supporting up to 500TB of Flash storage in a 2U form factor. Designed to comply with the Open Rack Standards set by the Open Compute Project, the OCP-FSA is one of the first 500TB Flash Storage Arrays in 2U rack space.

OSS continues to lead the industry in bringing new flash storage array products to market,” said Steve Cooper, CEO of One Stop Systems. “OSS is one of the only companies that are currently producing expansion products as dense as the OCP-FSA. By combining our PCIe expertise, SK hynix’s flash memory and Open Compute Project standards, we have created a state-of-the-art storage array that can provide fast response time, high-availability, and high-speed data processing in data centers, clouds, mega websites, and high-performance applications. Another feature of this product is the ability to upgrade the memory capacity. A user can start with the entry level product and upgrade to 500TB as needed.”

The OCP-FSA supports up to three host servers through PCI Express (PCIe) x16 Gen3. Equipped with PCIe Flash memory, this impressive system supports up to one-half petabyte of fast memory storage. A shelf manager provides an IPMI connection as well as hot-plug support and thermal management of the system.

The 22-inch wide flash array chassis fits into an OCP rack and has three method clips that pass power from the power bus bars in the rear of an OCP rack to the chassis. In order to supply power to a fully populated system, three high-power ideal diodes are located at each clip to allow load sharing. A slide out tray provides easy access to the internal memory. The incredible density provides a truly innovative product for high performance computing applications. This state-of the art array combines One Stop System’s PCIe expertise and SK hynix’s flash memory expertise to offer the fastest storage possible in a small footprint. With the new OCP-FSA, storage users no longer have to make tradeoffs among capacity, performance, size, and weight and power consumption.

onestop“SK hynix is a global leader in DRAM, NAND Flash, and CMOS Image Sensor products,” said Soohwan Choi, VP, Head of NAND Planning Office at SK hynix. “Working with OSS, SK hynix has enabled hyper-scale all flash array system based on SK hynix latest 3D NAND and in-house SSD SoC technologies. This all flash array system is currently an internal development platform to evaluate latest NVMe technologies such as host managed SSDs, hybrid SSDs, and NVMe Over Fabrics. High capacity and high performance based on SK hynix latest technologies should make this all flash array system a great choice for hyper-scale data centers.” 

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