In this special guest feature, SC17 General Chair Bernd Mohr write that the conference will focus on making connections.

Bernd Mohr, SC17 General Chair
We often hear comments like this as SC winds down each year and attendees reflect on the past week and start to look ahead to returning home. We’ve heard it equally from men and women who attended, whether they came from the Americas, Asia, Europe or Africa; whether they are distinguished fellows in the global HPC community or researchers very early in their career.
And to be honest, this is very much aligned with what we, the SC organizers, want to stand for: an event that connects the global HPC community. What slogan would express this idea better than #hpcconnects?
When we think of #hpcconnects, we think of three different aspects to it that are closely intertwined and reflected in the SC17 logo, which was unveiled in Salt Lake City at SC16.
Connecting minds: The red circle stands for the people in our HPC community, as well as their passion for our work. We are committed to continue providing the perfect ecosystem for them to talk, meet new and inspiring contacts, get collaborations started, boost careers and be recognized for their contributions.
Connecting Systems: How could it be different: The black stands for HPC systems as well as for the networks that connect those systems, and how they often seem like black boxes that work like magic. At SC, we have a prime example: SCinet – which brings to life a very high-capacity network that supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC conference. It links the convention center to research and commercial networks around the world.
Connecting Science: The bright yellow, or maybe even gold, circle represents science. After all, in the end, SC is all about the science that is driven by HPC. The conference provides the forum in which computational scientists can connect with IT vendors, computer scientists, system developers and networking experts, allowing them to combine their expertise to address the most pressing research challenges.
You can watch our SC17 preview video to get an even better feel for this vision.
We are very confident, that SC17 will once again be THE gathering of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators and developers that is unequaled in the world—for an exceptional program of technical presentations, papers, workshops, informative tutorials, timely research posters and Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions, all connected by a world-class exhibition.
To #hpcconnects! Hope to see you all in Denver next year! And, please check back here for SC17 updates and news in the coming months.