Eurolab4HPC Call for Participation: Short Term Collaborations and Business Prototyping Projects

Today Eurolab4HPC issued a pair of Calls for Participation for Business Prototyping Projects and Short Term Collaboration Grants.

Eurolab4HPC gives grants to PhD students, early career researchers, senior researchers, academics, and industrial technical leaders to participate on a 2-day business-to-innovation workshop in Gothenburg and/or to work on a common project in different layers of the compute stack. As grantees in Business Prototyping Projects are mentored using the business model canvas, grantees in Short Term Collaborations conduct independent small studies and benchmarking activities to capture requirements, metrics and opportunities to improve the platforms and technologies.

Calls for Participation:

  • A proposal for a Business Prototyping Project describes the value proposition, customers, partners and business models using the business model canvas. A BPP targets PhD students, early career researchers, senior researchers and industrial technical leaders. Once selected, they are mentored using the business model canvas. Hypotheses regarding components in the business model canvas are iteratively verified or adjusted with the goal of coming up with a business plan where business risks have been substantially reduced.
  • A funded Short Term Collaboration typically lasts 3 months and needs to end by 20 April 2020. The objective of the instrument is to foster tight integration among research teams from multiple communities working across all levels: hardware, architectures, programming and applications, in alignment with the goals of the Eurolab4HPC Vision. Each proposal should contain representatives from multiple research communities across the whole system stack, including strong commitment from the user communities. The grants will provide funding for short cross-discipline visits, targeted at PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and academics to work on a common project in different layers of the compute stack.

Eurolab4HPC has also supported various projects in past calls: Christopher Eldred from Inria in France developed techniques for mometic Galerkin difference (MGD) finite element spaces, Dr. Alejandro Soba from the Commission of National Atomic Energy tested and implemented the multi group capabilities, whereas Ivan F. Vega from the University of Málaga studied the nature of Matrix Profile. In a fourth project Albert N. Kahira working at Barcelona Supercomputing Center developed an oracle that suggests the best parallelisation strategy given a set of parameters such as a model, dataset and system specifications.

Applications are due October 31, 2019.

Eurolab4HPC is a Coordination Action funded by the European Commission under H2020 with the bold commitment to build the foundation for a European Research Center of Excellence in High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems.

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