@HPCpodcast: At the HPC User Forum — A Frontier Visit, the State of Quantum and Supercomputing Center Staffing Woes

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

In this episode of the @HPCpodcast we focus on the HPC User Forum, run by industry analyst firm Hyperion Research and held last week at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. The conference included an opportunity to get a viewing of Frontier, newly crowned as the world’s most powerful computer and the first to break the exascale barrier.

The User Forum covered an array of topics, including the drama involved in getting Frontier over the exascale finish line in time for the mid-year TOP500 list. Also discussed was what comes next for leadership-class supercomputing, the state of quantum computing, and staffing problems at HPC sites that train graduates for careers in HPC and AI and who then jump to big tech companies for more money.

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