Women in HPC Announces July Events

July 7, 2022 — Women in HPC has announced its July schedule of opportunities for the HPC community.  From reviews, to networking, to the announcement of our participation at SC22 in Dallas, here is a summary of events as described by WHPC:

WHPC launches early career talk submissions for november 13th workshop – Dallas: Abstract submissions for the 12th Annual Supercomputing workshop at SC22 are NOW OPEN.  If you or someone you know is a woman studying or starting out on their HPC career journey we would love to hear you speak about your work.  These talks are an integral part of our workshop and include mentoring and an opportunity to network with HPC leaders.  Submissions open until August 5th.  Learn more and submit your abstract. Please note we are awaiting online participation information – if you are considering virtual SC attendance please do apply as we will consider and strive to work with all successful applicants.

WHPCwhpc to host co-located event at the pearc conference on July 11th – Boston: Attending the PEARC conference?  Two of our long-time members and volunteers, Marisa Brazil and Lisa Arafune are pleased to host a networking and information session for members, friends, and allies in HPC on July 11th from 5:00pm – 6:30pm onsite at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel – Arlington Room.  Attendance is free for all conference pass holders.  We hope to see you there!  Learn more.

WHPC to host ISC22 workshop re-cap on July 12th – online – British Summer Time (BST): We are excited to host a one hour re-cap of our ISC22 workshop featuring our keynote speaker, Dr. Helena Liebelt!  Hear from our invited talks, early career presenters, and WHPC volunteers as they rundown the day, discussing key moments, lessons learned, and the insights that made impact.  Event starts at 4:00pm BST and will be recorded for those unable to attend live.  Registration is free.  Learn more and attend.

WHPC + chapter returns to fortnightly online networking!  Starts July 21st – Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST): Are you a part of or interested in getting involved with our Australian and New Zealand membership?  Our WHPC+ Chapter is running fortnightly online catch-ups.  Join in on open, welcoming discussions on all aspects of HPC.  Sign up for free.