EuroHPC Summit 2023: March 20-23 in Gothenburg, Sweden

Feb. 21, 2023 — The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is organising the EuroHPC Summit 2023 in coordination with the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event will take place on 20-23 March 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden (CLARION Post Hotel).

The full programme and the names of the speakers are available online: EuroHPC Summit – 2023 Göteborg programme. Maria NILSSON, State Secretary of Sweden, Ministry of Education and Research will participate in the opening plenary. Anders Dam Jensen, Executive Director of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking will present the activities and opportunities offered by the EuroHPC JU and representatives of the EuroHPC JU will explain how European users can access the EuroHPC supercomputers.

The event will bring together around 500 participants: HPC vendors, Public Organisations, Universities but also HPC users such as Researchers, SMEs and big European companies, as well as decision makers, allowing them to share the latest technological developments, define synergies, express their current and future needs, and participate in shaping the future of European supercomputing.

The slogan of the 2023 edition is European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era, to reflect that 2023 will be marked by the installation of JUPITER, the first European exascale supercomputer, meaning the first system in Europe to surpass the threshold of one billion billion calculations per second. This next-generation European supercomputer represents a significant technological milestone for Europe and will have a major impact on European scientific excellence.

Participants of the EuroHPC Summit 2023 will discuss among other topics:

  • How to strengthen European Digital Sovereignty,
  • The Future of Exascale Supercomputing in Europe and How Do We Get European Users & Industry Ready for Exascale?
  • The European Quantum Computing Strategy,
  • Energy Efficiency in HPC,

The conference plenaries will be web streamed while the afternoon sessions will not be web streamed to encourage informal exchanges between the panellists and the audience.

More than 40 EU-funded research and innovation projects will be present and will explain their work during a poster pitches session on Monday 20 March 2023.

The Summit will also be the opportunity to visit the EuroHPC Demo Lab where participants will meet and test the EuroHPC fleet of world-class supercomputers in an immersive experience.

For further media enquiries please contact our communications team, we will be happy to answer your questions:

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is a joint initiative created in 2018. Pooling together the resources of the European Union, 32 European countries and three private partners, it has the objective of making Europe a world leader in supercomputing.

To this end, the EuroHPC JU is procuring and installing supercomputers across Europe. Wherever in Europe they are located, European scientists and users from the public sector and industry can benefit from these EuroHPC supercomputers, which rank among the world’s most powerful. Free access is already being provided to European research organisations, with wider access planned for the future to further promote the use of supercomputers across Europe. Supercomputers are advanced systems with extremely high computational capabilities. They are able to solve problems and perform calculations which require more speed and power than traditional computers are capable of. High Performance Computing (HPC) services offered by supercomputers are critical for discovering new drugs, speeding up the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, anticipating severe weather conditions, increasing cybersecurity and developing more sustainable products.

In parallel, the EuroHPC JU is funding an ambitious research and innovation programme to develop a full European supercomputing supply chain: from processors and software to applications to be run on these supercomputers and know-how to develop strong European expertise.

By joining the forces of many different partners, the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is already placing Europe in a leading position in the global supercomputing race as two EuroHPC supercomputers ranked amongst the world’s five most powerful supercomputers. To date the EuroHPC JU has already procured eight supercomputers, located across Europe: LUMI in Finland (#3), LEONARDO in Italy (#4), MeluXina in Luxembourg (#52), Karolina  in the Czechia (#85), Discoverer in Bulgaria (#123), Vega in Slovenia (#140), MareNostrum5 in Spain, and Deucalion  in Portugal. This world-class supercomputing ecosystem developed by the EuroHPC JU is improving citizens’ quality of life, advancing science, and boosting the innovation potential of enterprises.