ALCF to Hold 3 AI Testbed Workshops in July

June 29, 2023 — The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility has announced three training workshops designed to introduce users to the ALCF AI Testbed’s novel AI accelerators: the SambaNova DataScale SN30, the Cerebras CS-2 system and the Graphcore Bow Pod system.

SambaNova Workshop: 1:30-5 pm CT, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 11-12; register here.

Cerebras Workshop: 1:30-5 pm CT, Monday and Tuesday, July 17-18; register here.

Graphcore Workshop: 1:30-5 pm CT, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 25-26, register here.

The training sessions will provide an overview of the hardware and the software stacks, followed by steps to log into the system for running samples and how to port scientific AI applications to these accelerators. Attendees can expect to get hands-on experience to port their science deep-learning workloads to run on the systems.

This training series is open to all and aimed at open science research as the systems are currently available for allocations. Please share this opportunity with others who may benefit from attending these workshops.

The workshops will be recorded and the presentation materials will be made available.