Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Columbus Day! Here we offer a fast (5:06) run-through of recent HPC news, including:
– Ray Kurzweil’s predictions on human immortality by 2030
Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Columbus Day! Here we offer a fast (5:06) run-through of recent HPC news, including:
– Ray Kurzweil’s predictions on human immortality by 2030
[Sponsored Guest Article] The technology alliance between Lenovo and NVIDIA is one whose total is greater than the sum of its parts. NVIDIA processors are changing the world and Lenovo servers are the platforms in which world-changing compute is happening….
Rescale’s role as an intelligent cloud automation platform means the company has a unique vantage point of how R&D-driven organizations are adopting cloud. This inaugural report includes insights from over 300 organizations, running 680+ applications, on each of the major cloud providers. Additionally, the report incorporates survey responses and analytics from leading HPC practitioners as well as inputs from supercomputing hardware and software partners.