HPC News Bytes 20241125: SC24 Hit Show in Atlanta, Hyperion’s Booming Market Update, Report: TSMC Tech in Huawei AI Chips

A happy Thanksgiving week to you Americans and a happy last week of November to the rest of the world. Here’s a rapid (6:43) run-through of recent news and trends from the world of HPC-AI, including: SC24 in Atlanta ….

At ISC 2023: Addison Snell on the Return of Healthy, Pre-Pandemic Growth for HPC-AI

At ISC 2023, we talked with Addison Snell, CEO of HPC-AI industry analyst firm Intersect360 Research, about the firm’s latest market update, released before the conference. Snell said the top-line finding from Intersect360’s latest research: the HPC-AI market grew 11.3 percent, reaching $44.4 billion last year, a return to steady growth that the industry enjoyed […]