Welcome to the PASC18 Video Gallery
The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference is an interdisciplinary conference in high performance computing that brings together domain science, applied mathematics and computer science – where computer science is focused on enabling the realization of scientific computation.
- Interview: Constantia Alexandrou on the challenges of Quantum Chromodynamics
- Interview: Microsoft Powers the Move to the HPC Cloud at PASC18
- Interview: Dan Jacobson from ORNL on Why PASC19 will be The Show to Attend Next Year
- Interview: Wrapping up a Successful PASC18
- nterview: Looking Forward to PASC19 in Zurich
- Unravelling Earthquake Dynamics through Extreme-Scale Multiphysics Simulations, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
- Extreme Computing for Extreme Adaptive Optics: The Key to Finding Life Outside our Solar System, Hatem Ltaief (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
- The CLAW DSL: Abstractions for Performance Portable Weather and Climate Models, Valentin Clement (Center for Climate System Modeling, Switzerland)
- Practical Scaling Techniques for Deep Learning, Fernanda Foertter, NVIDIA
- Using Generative Models for Fast Cluster Simulation in TPC Detector for the ALICE Experiment
- Generative Models for Application-Specific Fast Simulation of LHC Collision Events
- The Success of Deep Generative Models
- Deep Generative Models for Fast Calorimeter Shower Simulations
- Easy and Efficient Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Systems
- The Search for Gravitational Waves
- Abstractions and Directives for Adapting Wavefront Algorithms to Future Architectures.
- Characterizing Faults, Errors and Failures in Extreme-Scale Computing Systems
- Handling and Processing Data from the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- A Parallel Solver for Graph Laplacians
- Panel Discussion on Big Data vs. Fast Computation – Is HPC Facing a Game Change?
- Recent Results and Open Problems for Resilience at Scale
- Massive-Scale Analytics Applied to Real-World Problems
- CSCS Update for 2018
- From Weather Dwarfs to Kilometre-Scale Earth System Simulations
- Neutrino Telescope Data Management and Analysis
- Data Quality for Gravitational-Wave Detectors
- Numerical Relativity and its Applications for the Modeling of Gravitational Waves
- Methods and Challenges in the Characterization of Gravitational-Wave Sources
- Neutrino Telescope Data Management and Analysis
- Panel Discussion on Big Data vs. Fast Computation – Is HPC Facing a Game Change? (video approval pending)
- Dr. Eng Lim Goh presents: Prediction – Use Science or History? (video approval pending)
Poster Sessions: