Introducing Episode 1 of the Green HPC Podcast Series

Green HPC Podcast logo In the inaugural episode of the Green HPC podcast series we will examine the issues that datacenter managers and system designers are facing with high performance computing systems of all sizes today. Even if you aren’t “green at heart,” there are very practical and compelling reasons why a growing awareness of energy use in your datacenter — how much, where it goes, and what it costs you — is critical to your success.

Listen to Episode 1 and meet the guests

In this episode we hear from Wu-chun Feng of the Green500, Wilf Pinfold of Intel, Horst Simon of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and Dan Reed of Microsoft Research. We’ll hear from these leaders in HPC and technology how the conversation about energy in HPC has evolved — did you know one of our guests was booed off the stage giving some of the early talks about green HPC?

And we’ll also hear very practical reasons that everyone involved in high performance computing and supercomputing needs to be concerned about their energy consumption.

From 50,000 feet, it’s about improving the standard of living for everyone. Supercomputing is a technology that is vital to the continued develop of our culture and our civilization and the barrier to bringing those benefits to even more people is the amount of energy supercomputers require. Yes, reducing energy use is goodness, but an equally powerful reason to go green in HPC is to be able to bring the benefits of technology to even more people.

Not at 50,000 foot view kind of person? No problem…as several of our guests point out, there are very practical one-datacenter-at-a-time reasons to be aware of green HPC as well. You’d like to spend more money on computers and less on energy right? Or maybe your power distribution system can’t handle your next upgrade and you can’t afford more power? Then solutions in green HPC are very much solutions you need to know about.

Listen to Green HPC Episode 1:Sifting through the Hype, get speaker bios and links related to their comments, and more at the Green HPC Episode 1 home page. Or visit the Green HPC Podcast Series home page to learn more about the entire series.


  1. Is this in iTunes Podcast directory? Got a link?

  2. John West says

    Randall – no. Since this is just a one-off series and not a standing podcast, it’s not in the iTunes directory. Sorry.

  3. John West says

    Randall – I posted about this, but just to close the loop with you. You can now point your RSS reader at, or head over to iTunes at this link and you’ll be able to subscribe to the podcast series.