University of Florida Buys ScaleMP for BioTech

ScaleMP announced news today that they were chosen by the University of Florida’s Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research [ICBR], a research center dedicated to providing biotechnology research services to the UF community.  The ICBR will use the vSMP technology alongside existing infrastructure in order to leverage both legacy and proprietary software packages.  They will also allow researchers to submit larger interactive jobs.

ScaleMP logoMany organizations have a sufficient amount of computational power and enough CPUs, but they are simply unable to leverage their existing infrastructure for larger compute intensive workloads,” said Shai Fultheim, founder and CEO of ScaleMP. “vSMP Foundation for SMP enables biotechnology organizations like ICBR to aggregate existing hardware and to create a virtual SMP for next generation sequence processing and other biotechnology computing needs that need large amounts of processing power as well as shared memory.”

ICBR’s IT team supports research at UF and abroad in various biotechnology fields such as proteomics, genomics, bioinformatics and cellomics. ICBR needed to be able to run legacy software as well as proprietary software packages requiring large shared memory systems. Because of the high price point of traditional SMP systems, the team tried to find other ways to perform these jobs. They ended up stretching their virtual infrastructure to accommodate these large shared memory workloads, resulting in a loss of virtualization benefits.

For more info on the University of Florida’s use of vSMP, check out the ScaleMP website here.