In this podcast, Sudip Dosanjh and Katie Antypas from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory describe Cori, the next-generation Cray XC30 supercomputer coming to NERSC. Named after American biochemist Gerty Cori, the $70 million dollar Cori system will be powered by Intel’s pending “Knights Landing” processor, a bootable, many-core implementation of the company’s MIC architecture.
We are excited to continue our partnership with Cray,” said Sudip Dosanjh, Director of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “Cori will provide a significant increase in capability for our users and will provide a platform for transitioning our very broad user community to many core architectures. We will collaborate with Cray to ensure that Cori meets the computational and data needs of DOE’s science community.”
According to NERSC, the new system will be installed in 2016 and will have a sustained performance that is at least ten times that of the NERSC-6 “Hopper” system, based on a set of characteristic benchmarks.
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