Well, this has been an interesting week. I am gratified for all the expressions of concern, offers of support, and generally nice things you all said this week; its meant a lot.
After trolling through the comments and talking it over with many of you, I think we have a plan.
Several of you offered to contribute to the site; enough, in fact, that I think we can all do it if we pull together. So, if you are one of the ones who offered to help, or would like to help, send me an email and well get started. Well coordinate loosely by email, and for those that are contributing Ill grant you author privileges on the blog.
I have one more thing to share with you as well. Most of you know that I also write for HPCwire, and I believe our two sites complement each other very well. They heard the call to duty with my retirement post on Monday, and have offered to help create great content for insideHPC.com. Its obviously very gratifying to be recognized by the 800 pound gorilla in HPC news, and Im looking forward to working with them over here. Their contribution will go a long way toward making sure this site stays alive as a community resource.
And community is the operative word around here now. As many of you reminded me when you wrote in this week, this doesnt have to be a one man show. While youre surfing the web if you run across something interesting, write a paragraph about it and send it in to news@insidehpc.com or to me directly. Youll be helping to make sure that insideHPC.com is interesting, useful, and vibrant over the long haul.