Bull launches "bio data center"

Bull is expanding its 7i program (which we covered a while ago) today with a fourth initiative aimed at more effectively managing diverse datacenters.

The “bio” comes from drawing a (tortured) analogy between a datacenter and an ecosystem.

Bull logo“Managing complex infrastructures more effectively, so they can easily evolve at the same pace as the business activities they support – is now a real priority for IT Directors and CIOs. However, a too simplistic approach to rationalization will not be effective. Data Centers operate like living organisms. We have to take into account every aspect, and especially the impact they have on the environment. …” explained Philippe Miltin, Vice President, Bull Products and Systems.

The three main points of Bull’s strategy

1. Ensure that the levels of service demanded by users (under Service Level Agreements or SLAs) are fully met, using structured and highly automated processes

2. Optimize Data Center topology, to free-up additional power and increase flexibility

3. Positively manage the heterogeneous nature of most Data Centers, and reduce their carbon footprint.