Jobs in computer and maths to grow quickest

Peter Harsha reports at the excellent CRA Policy Blog on new Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers on job growth out to 2016.

The new Bureau of Labor Statistics labor projections are out for the 2006-2016 period, and once again, despite concerns over the impact of globalization, computing-related occupations are still projected to grow the quickest among all “professional and related occupations.” According to BLS projections, computer and mathematical science occupations are expected to grow by about 24 percent over the next decade, a rate that would add 822,000 new jobs to the field. Those 822,000 new jobs are third only to “Health care practitioners and technical occupations” (1,423,000 new jobs, a 19.8 percent growth rate) and “Education, training and library” occupations (1,265,000 new jobs, a 14 percent growth rate).

The Labor Department projections found that even though the growth rate for computer and mathematical science occupations has slowed compared to the previous decade — as the industry matures and “routine work is outsourced overseas” — strong growth in other aspects of computing will continue to create increasing opportunities in the field.

Read more at the site.