SiCortex has announced that it has shipped the first SC072 Catapult personal cluster. The proud recipients are Professors Gyan Bhanot and Manish Parashar at Rutgers University. The 72-processor deskside system will be used to develop a new computer science and engineering course at Rutgers, to develop novel algorithms to study mitochondrial and viral evolution and to find useful markers for the treatment of cancer.
Progress in Distributed High Performance Computing requires an improvement of three elements of the architecture: CPU speed, memory access and network performance, while balancing total cost of ownership, which includes price and power requirements.” said Professor Bhanot. “The design point of the SC072 seems to be an unusually promising balance of these factors for a range of applications. We will test its performance on applications in many different fields including evolutionary population genetics, bioinformatics, analysis of networks and the design of efficient parallel algorithms and data layouts. Our students cannot wait to get their hands on it.” In fact, students in Prof. Parashar’s spring 2008 course on parallel computing will begin using the system immediately.
For just under $15k, one can get 72 64-bit processors running Linux that will draw less than 200 watts of power.
Read the full post here.
72 CPUs and only 200 watts of power? That’s perhaps less than my 4-CPU system 😉