House approves 14% increase for NSF, too early to party

Peter Harsha over at the excellent CRA Policy Blog, on recent news that the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science approved a 14 percent increase last week for the NSF in the 09 budget

While the committee is doing this with the stated goal of getting NSF back on the doubling track called for in the America COMPETES Act, this is just one step along a long and tortuous path appropriations will take to get completed this year. Unfortunately, all the dynamics that were in play last year that led to science getting completely shut out of increases in the final FY 08 Omnibus Appropriations are still in play this year. And frankly, it appears that we are once again headed for a long-term continuing resolution until at least early next year, when lawmakers can assess the new climate after the election and chart a new strategy.