SGI lays off 105 workers

Found via Joe Landman’s blog, a post to this article at

SGI logoCalifornia-based Silicon Graphics Inc. reported it was eliminating more than 100 jobs, about 7 percent of its workforce, in a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

SGI, which specializes in high-performance computing, closed its data center and labs in Mountain View, Calif. on June 17, a move the cut about 15 jobs. The data processing activities will be absorbed by the company’s manufacturing facility in Chippewa Falls. According to the filing, “the company plans to hire additional personnel in Chippewa Falls to accommodate these activities.”

On July 15, SGI cut about 90 more employees from its worldwide workforce.

SGI has about 1,600 employees, so this isn’t a huge cut, but given the company’s flagging performance since May of 07, this is another sign of hard times for the company. You can read the details in the summary of SGI’s 21 July SEC filing.