There's coolant in them thar channels

From Purdue earlier this month

Purdue University have developed a technology that uses “microjets” to deposit liquid into tiny channels and remove five times more heat than other experimental high-performance chip-cooling methods for computers and electronics.

The new technology, that uses hydrofluorocarbon in channels in the chips, can cool up to 1,000 watts of heat per square centimeter

The cooling system is made of grooves narrower than a millimeter, or thousandth of a meter, wide. These channels are formed on top of a chip and covered with a metal plate containing tiny holes. The coolant is pumped through the holes in microjets, and the liquid then flows along channels to cool the chip. As the liquid is heated by the hot chip inside the channels, it bubbles and momentarily becomes a vapor, facilitating the cooling process, Mudawar said.

This work has been funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. A similar concept, funded by IBM, uses water in 3D chip configurations.