From Joan Barron at the Star-Tribune comes the following news about continued hard times at NCAR:
CHEYENNE n [sic] Budget problems at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., should not affect the proposed $60 million Cheyenne supercomputer project, officials said this week.
NCAR is facing a $10M budget shortfall this year according to the story even after losing significant staff over the past year:
The 48-year-old center, which receives most of its funding from the National Science Foundation, has already deferred raises for employees and laid off some others. It has experienced a staff reduction of more than 100 since last year. The center announced last week it would close its Center for Capacity Building, which studied social effects of climate change.
The Wyoming Legislature in 2007 appropriated $21 million for the $60 million supercomputer project.
…Randy Bruns, director of Cheyenne LEADS, the economic development organization, said NCAR’s budget problems are not expected to affect the Cheyenne supercomputer project.