A Queensland Universities consortium has announced that it will receive an $8.5 million grant from the state government. The funding will be used to purchase supercomputers to boost research in a wide variety of topics.
The QCIF [Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation] was set up in 2001 to increase Queensland’s innovative capacity using supercomputers, high-capacity data archives, visualisation and networking,” Ms [Desley] Boyle [Industry Minister] said.
“Its members are James Cook University ( JCU ), Central Queensland University, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology ( QUT ), the University of Queensland and the University of Southern Queensland.
“The infrastructure and eResearch staff of the QCIF supports research and development being undertaken in those member universities. The Foundation also works to encourage the uptake of advanced ICT capabilities by industry.”
Projects for the new supercomputers include nanotechnology, drug design, security biosecurity, mining, environmental engineering, medical imaging, breast cancer detection, boat design and the digital reconstruction of an Egyptian Mummy. Wow… quite a list.
For more info on the grant, read the full article here.
d’oh. That’s twice today. you can tell i’ve been out of the loop and busy with the day job. i’ll delete mine this time.