Tech brief on the HPC career outlook

The Texas State Technical College has posted a TechBrief on the career outlook for HPC. I don’t think it’s new, judging by the dates in the text, but interesting stuff if you’re in the market for a new job or hoping to lure a few high school students to come over to the HPC side of the force.

A few snippets

HPC is deployed today in many research institutions and enterprise datacenter environments. HPC technicians are in short supply;[3] however, the employer base is difficult to identify.[4] Colleges with robust computer information and/or computer science programs that are co-located near organizations with HPC environments should update existing curriculum to include HPC principles and consider developing advanced certificates specializing in HPC. Colleges should monitor HPC, as this field of computing has the potential to grow into a large industry that redefines enterprise class computing between 2007-2012.

…The pay range for HPC is $30,000 to $120,000 per year.[12] Positions available to college graduates include application developers, test engineers and field support engineers. Based on survey findings and employment projections, there will be a minimum of 164,397 HPC positions in the U.S. for which associate degree holders will be eligible between 2001 and 2008.[13] HPC technicians may find employment at national laboratories, universities, businesses, government and military organizations.

The format of this resource makes the info super accessible. You should keep the URL handy for sharing with young folks you run across.