Dell and Platform partner for HPC

Platform has been much in the news lately with these kinds of deals. There is a saying that the people who really got rich during the gold rush are those who sold picks and pans to the miners swarming west. Platform seems to have taken this to heart.

The news, found at HPCwire

Dell logoPlatform Computing announces the release of Platform Open Cluster Stack (OCS) – Dell Edition, a pre-integrated, vendor certified stack optimized to run on Dell hardware. Dell the leading global systems and services company and Platform Computing will market a pre-configured, open source, Dell supported solution that reduces the costs and complexity of running HPC environments. Platform OCS – Dell Edition enables analysts, engineers and scientists from organizations of any size to exploit the power of HPC with an out-of-the-box software solution that is exceptionally fast and easy to deploy, run and manage.

Platform logo…Platform OCS – Dell Edition is based on Project Kusu, the open source core of Platform OCS 5. Project Kusu is designed from the ground up to deliver the next generation of cluster management software.