GRIDS@Work this week in France

If you find yourself on the other side of the Atlantic from’s spacious world headquarters, you may be within easy traveling to GRIDS@Work, going on this week  Sophia Antipolis, France. From the release posted at HPCwire

Oct. 20-24, 2008, INRIA, ERCIM and ETSI will hold in Sophia Antipolis, France, the 5th GRIDS@Work event. Grid computing offers technologies for solving complex IT problems using a large number of distributed computers, including multicores, servers, clusters and clouds.

During the week, finance simulations will be tested and executed over more than 5,000 computers scattered around the world.

At the event you’ll find mini-conferences, tutorials, and a contest

The 5th GRID Plugtests with a contest on Grids for Finance and Telecommunications, the 2008 Super Quant Monte-Carlo Challenge — the goal of this challenge is to design and develop a grid-enabled option pricing application, for pricing high dimensional European options or first generation exotic options, which can cope with time-critical, intense computational demand for complex pricing requests.