Again, from HPCwire
The SC08 conference Tutorials Program will offer a wide range of supercomputing educational opportunities for all attendees. For those relatively new to high performance computing, networking, and storage, basic tutorials will bring them up to speed in the field.
…Tutorial topics include parallel, distributed and multi-core computing; parallel programming and debugging; high-performance programming languages and systems (e.g., Chapel, CUDA, MPI, OpenMP, Parallel Matlab, and PGAS languages); performance modeling, analysis, and tuning; software tools and libraries (e.g., mesh tools); networking (e.g., Infiniband, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, and grid computing); and file systems and I/O (e.g., NFSv4.1, parallel I/O). And, for a truly out-of-the-box topic, consider the Computer Music tutorial — an SC first, linked to the Music Initiative.
More info in the post.