Acumem ThreadSpotter multithreaded application tool released

During SC last week Acumem announced the launch of their ThreadSpotter analysis tool

Acumem ThreadSpotter is the only software analysis tool for the complete set of multi-core software issues. It helps programmers identify and eliminate multi-core bottlenecks by looking at:

  • Multithreaded interaction
  • Economic bandwidth usage
  • Resourceful data handling

Just as Acumem SlowSpotter, ThreadSpotter identifies an application’s slowspots, i.e., parts of the code that can be improved to run faster. For each slowspot, the location in the source code is identified, fixes for how the problem can be avoided are suggested and the overall importance for application improvement is presented.

The technology is hardware and language independent and for example works for C, C++, Fortran, Ada, and Assembler. It also has support for Linux and Solaris and is currently being ported to Windows.

Acumem offers other tools (notably SlowSpotter and SlowSpotter Pro). Also announced last week was news that the company is a partner in Microsoft’s HPC Partner Program. HP’s HPC community podcast includes an interview with Acumem CTO and founder Erik Hagersten (mp3 file).