Sun announced last week a new services offering tied to its hardware and designed to help customers get their installation done faster. Mostly this is done by pre-packaging solutions — this controls options and let’s Sun streamline the provisioning of certain popular (they hope) offerings. Sun, oddly, calls these “reusable artifacts”
Sun is leveraging its “reusable artifacts” – including proven methodologies and best practices to provide a package of optimized solutions that helps enable customers to achieve maximum productivity and get to market faster. The solutions are supported by Sun Professional and Learning Services to enhance the customer experience and help ensure long-term satisfaction.
Really, “reusable artifcacts?” I would have hoped the marketing folks would have already locked in their bonuses for the year and wouldn’t be trying quite so hard.
There are 3 elements to this program, and the one you’re most likely to care about is Sun Compute Cluster, which I’ve written about at HPCwire
Sun Compute Cluster, is a simple, reliable, scalable and open solution for compute-intensive data processing which is supported by Sun professional and support services to streamline implementation and optimize performance. Targeted toward small and medium-sized organizations, Sun Compute Cluster provides modular processing power, reducing the complexity of IT decision-making, sales quote time, deployment time and lowering risk. The new solution includes a pre-configured HPC compute infrastructure, consisting of 4 base configurations that can be used as building blocks, and a Linux OS-based software stack. The entire system, including both hardware and software, can be assembled through the Sun Customer Ready program. The solution provides flexibility to choose from tested configurations to address scaling, power and faster time to deployment.
Compute cluster itself is being “customized” for specific verticals, so you can buy a version that’s already been tweaked for structural analysis or financial services. More here.