Over the email transom this week, news of an upcoming short-course on multicore programming
Multicore Programming
Location: MIT Campus | Cambridge, MA
Dates: July 20-24, 2009
Application Deadline: June 19, 2009Multicores are bringing about a paradigm shift in programming. This course exposes students to fundamental issues in the design of concurrent programs and to the techniques necessary to make effective use of multicore machines. It combines lectures and classwork to gradually enhance students’ intuition and technique.
Learn more about the course and register online at:
http://web.mit.edu/professional/short-programs/courses/multicore_programming.htmlBring a colleague and you both save 10%
Just register by June 19 and email shortprograms@mit.edu with your name, the name of your colleague, and mention Multicore10% to receive the 10% discount.