HP’s 20th Annual CAE Symposium was held in Detroit on Oct 1, 2009. We didn’t make it, but got a pointer by email to an HP blog post recapping the event
For our 20th anniversary event, we chose to return to Detroit… the locale of so many successful CAE events with anchored by several key CAE automotive customers. It’s been quite a climb for these customers during these many months of a difficult economy, but after meeting with customers at the event, I was convinced that Detroit has the perseverance and drive to recover and return to a leading center of innovative product design and development. The discussions that I had with key customers confirmed their belief in CAE simulations and recent HP CAE investments by these customers prove that they realize the criticality of CAE to ensure their growth and success for the US automotive industry. One customer told me that even though times are difficult, cuts in CAE simulations would be ill advised because lack of investment today would result in lack of competitive product offering when the economy fully recovers.
If you couldn’t make it either you might be interested in the slides as well.