Podcast: Allinea Software Ramps up for Exascale

In this podcast from SC10, we discuss recent developments from Allinea Software with Mike Fish, CEO, and Jacques Philouze, the company’s VP of marketing. Download the MP3 or Subscribe on iTunes.

Allinea had a number of announcements at SC10 including:

  • A big win at Taiwan’s National Center of High-performance Computing (NCHC) as part of a deal with Acer. Jacques Philouze, Worldwide Vice President Sales & Marketing, Allinea Software, comments: “We’re delighted to be working with Acer in Taiwan to provide parallel debugging software which can debug across thousands of cores. Following on from our recent success in Europe and in USA, we are delighted that our market leadership is now more recognized, and we look forward to expanding our presence in Asia and globally.”
  • Release of Allinea DDT version 2.6.1. Supports NVIDIA Toolkits 3.1 and 3.2. This latest version adds support for multiple GPU devices within the same node, in addition to the existing capabilities for debugging clusters of GPU systems. It also supports the latest hardware, with some of the newer features such as device function call and stepping into and out of nested functions on the Fermi hardware now possible.
  • An expanded collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who have selected Allinea DDT as the debugger of choice for Hybrid GPU software – where few industry-strength tools exist.