DOE: Simulation is for Everyone's Toolbox

Under Secretary for Science Dr. Steven E. Koonen writes that the DOE is supporting a strategy to make simulation part of everyone’s toolbox.

“The Department of Energy’s Office of Science (SC) is addressing that need by pushing the boundaries of computing and simulation to advance key science, math, and engineering challenges facing the nation. SC makes advanced supercomputers available and supports high-fidelity simulations that give scientists the power to analyze theories and validate experiments that are dangerous, expensive or impossible to conduct. Scientific simulations are used to understand everything from stellar explosion mechanisms to the quarks and gluons that make up a proton. They can tell us how blood flows through the body and how to make a more efficient combustion engine. And they can do much more.”


Climate models are based on our observations of the many environmental conditions on Earth. The data collected during these observations is put into supercomputers. With the help of these computers, scientists use quantitative methods to create simulations such as the ones shown here. Using the Community Climate System Model, which links independent models of Earth’s oceans, lands, ice, and atmosphere, this simulation shows a complex range of processes that circulate water in the atmosphere.

Credits: Scientific Visualization, Jamison Daniel and James Hack. Post-Production, NCCS. Read the Full Story.