NERSC Accepts "Hopper" Cray XE6, Petascale Super for Thousands of Users

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) recently brought 4000 researchers into the Petascale age with their flagship Cray XE6 system. Dubbed “Hopper,”after American computer scientist Grace Murray Hopper, the system is the second most powerful supercomputer in the United States, according to the TOP500 list.

We are very excited to make this unique Petascale capability available to our users, who are working on some of the most important problems facing the scientific community and the world.” says Kathy Yelick, NERSC Director. “With its 12-core AMD processor chips, the system reflects an aggressive step forward in the industry-wide trend toward increasing the core counts, combined with the latest innovations in high-speed networking from Cray. The result is a powerful instrument for science. Our goal at NERSC is to maximize performance across a broad set of applications, and by our metric, the addition of Hopper represents an impressive five-fold increase in the application capability of NERSC.”

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