New Algorithm Finds the Right Model for the Needle in the Haystack

Franklin University Esmail Bonakdarian, Ph.D recently developed an evolutionary computation approach using OSC supercomputers that offers researchers the flexibility to search for models that can best explain experimental data derived from many types of applications, including economics.

Every day researchers are confronted by large sets of survey or experimental data and faced with the challenge of ‘making sense’ of this collection and turning it into useful knowledge,” Bonakdarian said. “This data usually consists of a series of observations over a number of dimensions, and the objective is to establish a relationship between the variable of interest and other variables, for purposes of prediction or exploration.”

Bonakdarian recently presented a paper that describes this study, The Use of Evolutionary Algorithms in the Analysis of Economics Experiments, at The Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference of Genetic and Evolutionary Methods (GEM’11). Read the Full Story.