Video: Interview with NERSC's Kathy Yelick on Petascale Computing

In this episode of Parallel Programming Talk, NERSC Director Kathy Yelick discusses the challenges of Petascale computing. The interview starts around the 8:00 minute mark.

Questions to Kathy include:

  • Could you take a few minutes and tell us about yourself?
  • What is NERSC? What is its purpose?
  • We contacted you after reading about your center’s new Petascale computing installation. For our audience members that might not know – What is Petascale?
  • What kinds of problems require Petascale computers? (Can you give some examples?)
  • Who are the users of this computer?
  • Can you tell our audience about the Hopper computer?
  • Now what about Exascale – is that in the future?