In this video, Intel’s General Manager of HPC Raj Hazra talks about how Exascale computing fits into the company’s plans for the future.
Questions for Raj:
- Justin Rattner recently estimated that Intel currently has 300 or more people working on Exascale. Why is this so important to Intel?
- The current target calls for an Exascale machine by 2018 that runs on only 20 Megawatts. What kind of fundamental breakthroughs are going to be needed, just in terms of power efficiency?
- Earlier you mentioned the importance of ecosystems at Intel. If you were asked to build just one Exascale system, would you do it?
The September issue of The Exascale Report features an extended interview with Raj Hazra, where he discusses the company’s Exascale program at length with chief editor, Mike Bernhardt.