CATA Survey Seeks Input from Canadian HPC Users

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The good folks at the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) are conducting an in-country survey on high performance computing.

The objective of this study is to evaluate the commercial values of High Performance Computing (HPC aka Supercomputing) to Canadian industry. Most HPC experts agree that Canadian adoption of supercomputing lags other nations against which our economy competes, so we will also be studying the barriers to adoption. To be competitive on a global scale, Canadian enterprises need to supercharge their business and R&D processes with supercomputing. Initiatives are being launched in the US and other nations to encourage greater HPC adoption by small and medium sized enterprises, if similar initiatives are not developed for Canada, we’ll be left behind. This HPC study will create a foundation of solid data from which to design initiatives together with the study partners tailored to the needs of Canadian business.

Fellow Canucks “who can speak to the business value of computing” are asked to participate. Read the Full Story.