Video: Opportunities and Challenges Posed by Exascale Computing: ORNL's Plans and Perspectives


In this video, Jeff Nichols from Oak Ridge National Laboratory presents: Opportunities and Challenges Posed by Exascale Computing: ORNL’s Plans and Perspectives.

Partnerships are essential to sustaining leadership in computing, particularly in the quest to overcome the many technological barriers to achieving exascale capabilities before the end of this decade. Co-design, uncertainty quantification, and close “collaborative” partnerships with industry are essential to delivering systems that will enable building predictive modeling and simulation capabilities that can be applied to complex systems of systems. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), providing the world’s most powerful open resources for scalable computing and simulation, data, and infrastructure for science is a critical mission. Incredible expertise in scalable applications, algorithms and analytics, tools and middleware, hardware systems and associated software, and computing infrastructure are brought together to deliver leading-edge science relevant to missions of the Department of Energy and other federal and state agencies. In fact, petascale science is being delivered today with five scientific applications running at more than 1 petaflops sustained performance. This talk will highlight many of the opportunities and challenges posed by exascale computing as well as present ORNL»s plans and perspectives to achieving the exascale by the end of the decade.

Recorded at the GPU Technology Conference in Beijing on Dec. 14, 2011.