In case you missed them, here are some highlights our inside* publications this week:
- Slidecast: Flow Corporation Real-Time Data Solutions. The Flow Platform is cloud-based platform-as-a-service (PaaS) built on top of a real-time architecture that enables on-demand stream processing, data routing, and interoperability across the entire application landscape.
- Interview: Versant’s Dirk Bartels on Accelerating Big Data. Versant’s object database management software speeds navigation in graph-oriented real-time data.
- Slidecast: Infinitely Virtual – Security and Reliability in the Cloud. Adam Stern presents an overview of the company’s hosted virtual dedicated server and cloud computing technologies.
- Slidecast: Avere Unveils Edge Filer and New Architecture for NAS. With the introduction of the Edge filer, Avere is well positioned to offer an alternative model to solve some of the biggest technological and business challenges of NAS deployments.
- Video: Portland Development Commission Looks at PDX Startups. Learn why venture capital has reached record levels in the Northwest in the past two years.
- Video: Tough Mudder – How to Build a $70 Million Company in Two Years. Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie.
- Interview: Whamcloud Gears Lustre for the Enterprise to Exascale. Whamcloud CEO Brent Gorda discusses how the company is speeding development of the Lustre open source parallel file system.
- Video: HPC Analyst Crossfire – Live from the National HPCC Conference 2012. Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research leads a panel discussion on current issues facing the high performance computing community.