Contest: What Would You Do With a Petaflop?

To many of the HPC users I’ve talked to, the idea of an Exascale computer is not nearly as exciting as the advent of affordable Petaflop computing. To this end, Nvidia’s Sumit Gupta writes that the company is launching a contest to see what you would do with a Petaflop.

By the end of 2012, NVIDIA will launch a Tesla GPU based on our new Kepler architecture that will enable any university in the world to build a petaflop supercomputer that will fit into nearly any university’s data center and budget. To support this launch, we are inviting proposals from researchers around the world on what you would do if you had access to a dedicated petaflop supercomputer. We will award exclusive early access to this new Kepler-based Tesla GPU to the three best proposals we receive. What types of studies would you conduct? Which scientific problems would you tackle?


Oh, how the times have changed. Back at Sun a few years ago, we were asking people what they would do with a Teraflop!

Read the Full Story.