In this video, Tom Talpey from Microsoft presents: Microsoft SMB 2.2 – Running over RDMA in Windows 8. Recorded at the Open Fabrics Workshop on March 27, 2012 in Monterey, CA.
In this video, Tom Talpey from Microsoft presents: Microsoft SMB 2.2 – Running over RDMA in Windows 8. Recorded at the Open Fabrics Workshop on March 27, 2012 in Monterey, CA.
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] QCT – a.k.a. Quanta Cloud Technology – is a bigger player in the data center server business than some might think. The Taiwan-based company, a long-term partner of Intel’s, reports that it produces one in every seven ….
In this case study whitepaper, PSSC Labs, provider of custom, on-premise high performance computing HPC systems designed to meet clients’ unique enterprise computing challenges, shows how an on-premise HPC cluster can take your business to the next level.