China’s BGI Wins HPC Innovation Excellence Award

This week IDC announced that BGI was honored with a second-time award for their great achievements and strong return on investment for applying HPC technologies to bioinformatics.

Initiated in 2011, the HPC Innovation Excellence Award program recognizes noteworthy achievements made by users using HPC technologies. The main goals are to showcase HPC as an investment with significant ROI in order to encourage government and industry to continue making investments in high performance computing.

HPC has shown immense application potentials in scientific advancement, to facilitate the processing of large volumes of genomic data, and to make Omics-related research faster and easier for researchers.” said Lin Fang, Vice President of BGI. “We will strengthen HPC’s application in our future research to meet the growing need for managing and analyzing the Big Genomics Data.”

The other award winners included GE Global Research (U.S.), Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program (U.S.), Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Louisiana State University (U.S.), Aon Benfield Securities, Inc. (Canada). Read the Full Story.