Jülich Supercomputing Centre to Collaborate with T-Platforms

Today Russian supercomputer vendor T-Platforms announced a collaboration with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre for system software development.

The partners declared their intention to apply a range of T-Platforms’ original software frameworks, such as the DISLIB parallel programming library, evaluating their ability to increase sustained performance of selected applications running at JSC. The DISLIB library is designed to increase efficiency of data-intensive HPC applications. Using DISLIB as an underlying communication library for the Graph500 benchmark implementation enabled the Lomonosov supercomputer deployed at Moscow State University to achieve the second position in the latest Graph500 rating with 103.5GE/s performance.

The Jülich Supercomputing Centre recognizes T-Platforms as a leading integrator of hardware and software for high-end computing systems and is keen to join forces towards the development of next-generation Exascale supercomputers in Europe,” said Prof. Thomas Lippert, director of the Jülich supercomputing centre.

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