Seven Supercomputers Changing the World

Over at the Mother Nature Network, Katherine Butler has posted profiles of seven supercomputers that are changing the world.

Many of the supercomputers operating today focus on solving key problems facing humanity, including climate research, disease control and energy efficiency.

Here are the systems made the list along with my comments:

  • IBM’s Watson. Even if it’s not really a supercomputer, it made HPC cool again.
  • K Computer. The #1 system on the TOP500 is likely to remain champion on the next list that comes out in two weeks.
  • Tianhe-1A. The Chinese hybrid super that shocked the world. I got a chance to visit this bad boy recently in Tianjin.
  • Jaguar & Titan. The fastest system in the U.S. is on its way to being the fastest in the world, but not until November.
  • Sierra. The folks at LLNL are partnering with GE to to accelerate development of next-generation fuel injectors for jet engines.
  • Rutgers IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputer. The newly created Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute plans to grow eventually become home of one of the world’s most powerful academic supercomputers.

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