Indiana University to Deploy 1 Petaflop Hybrid Cray Super

This week Indiana University announced plans to install the fastest university-owned supercomputer in the nation. Named Big Red II, the 1 Petaflop next-generation Cray XK supercomputer will deployed in spring 2013.

Big Red II is the next step in executing IU’s strategic IT plans in support of the university,” said Brad Wheeler, IU vice president for information technology and CIO. “Using the original Big Red, IU researchers have secured more than $253 million in grant funding, and we foresee a similar positive impact being made by Big Red II. The key importance of these systems has been in the discoveries they have enabled, represented in thousands of published papers produced by the IU scientists who have used them. Big Red has been an extraordinary value for IU over its almost seven years of service, and the frontiers with Big Red II will be even more expansive.”

The new system will be unique among supercomputers owned by U.S. universities. The new Cray will have more than 21,000 processor cores, high-performance GPUs, and an extremely fast Cray Gemini Interconnect. It will include the newest NVIDIA GPU accelerators and the latest AMD processors with 16 cores each. Read the Full Story.