YarcData Upgrades Big Data Appliance, Goes with Subscription-based Pricing

Today Cray’s YarcData division announced a major upgrade to its uRiKA Big Data appliance for graph analytics. With the uRiKA Fall 2012 Release, the company is adding substantial new standards-based capabilities to boost functionality and performance on complex graph analytics inquiries.

Big Data graph-analytics are increasingly used to reveal unknown, unexpected or hidden relationships in a wide range of markets, including financial services, health sciences, energy, transportation, Internet commerce and others,” said Arvind Parthasarathi, president of YarcData. “Our uRiKA appliance combined with the enhanced capabilities in this release gives our current and future customers the world’s most powerful, easy-to-use platform for exploiting the power of graph analytics.”

What I find interesting here is that the uRiKA appliance is available via subscription-based pricing. The large memory of the uRiKA appliances may make the sticker price a bit too spendy for this market, so YarcData is letting you pay-as-you-go. Will this be a business model for future Cray supercomputers? We’ll have to wait and see. Read the Full Story.