Slidecast: OpenMP is Expanding

In this slidecast, Matthijs van Waveren from presents: OpenMP is Expanding. OpenMP, the de-facto standard for parallel programming on shared memory systems, continues to extend its reach beyond pure HPC to include DSPs, real time systems, and accelerators. The first release candidate of OpenMP 4.0 was made available at the SC12 conference and exhibition.

We are proud to mark the 15th anniversary of OpenMP,” said Michael Wong, OpenMP CEO, “with a major leap forward with significant enhancements to parallelism.”

OpenMP released a technical report on directives for attached accelerators recently with the intent to integrate OpenACC into the final OpenMP release candidate in the 1st quarter of 2013. The second release candidate will include the directives for attached accelerators, tasking extensions and error handling. Read the Full Story.

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