ISC events, the organizers of the ISC’13 International Supercomputing Conference and ISC Cloud have announced a new conference series – the ISC Big Data Conference. The inaugural event will be held September 25-26 in the Marriott Hotel, Heidelberg, Germany. Chaired by Sverre Jarp, the CTO of CERN openlab in Geneva, two-day the forum will scrutinize all facets of big data in order to empower practitioners and vendors who want to learn more about this rapidly evolving set of technologies.
Commodity-based servers and fast interconnects allow companies and service providers to build infrastructure to transform data into meaningful results, significant trends and predictions. Big Data Analytics has become synonymous with ‘power’ and ‘competitive advantage’ through the extraction of valuable knowledge by transforming the data,” said Sverre. “The challenge when implementing a ‘Big Data’ strategy is to select all the right building blocks allowing enterprise analysts or scientists to sift through huge amounts of data in the most nimble way and acquire genuine knowledge from it.”
The ISC Big Data Conference will be preceded by the annual ISC Cloud event, which will take place at the same venue on September 22-23. Read the Full Story.